Friday, February 11, 2011

February 11 - AKM

Hello readers
Here to update you on whats been going on lately.
Nothing too exciting. Lots of planning for our trip to Kenya. We leave monday night. Getting a bit excited. We have a few things planned to do while we stay. We'll be sure to tell you all about it once we are (hopefully) back in Uganda. Keep praying the upcoming elections go well.
We now have a huge group of babies here in Suubi. They just recently moved most of the kids from Bulrushes up here. They are making Bulrushes mainly the place just for sick kids. We visited Bulrushes the other day. It's so empty there now. Many of the volunteers are still there. Suubi deffinatley needs more help, so we are hoping they send more people up here soon. We had a couple more volunteers for awhile. They came with the new babies to help them settle in. They're back to Kampala now so its just Christina and I again. We did just have a family move into the apartments here. Haven't met them yet but the wife is supposed to start working here soon. Don't know if we'll get to meet her before we leave.
Please keep praying for our babies. We have several in isolation battling with sickness. I, also, am struggling with a nasty cold. Havn't worked in quite a few days. Tried working this morning for about an hour but then had coughing fits. Christina's been struggling with sickness a bit too, but shes still been working hard. She came upstairs yesterday covered in baby food. The kids had attacked her. I got to see one of the culprits. She was even messier and looked so rediculous. Made me laugh (they say thats the best medicine.)
Found out we are going to be able to go to Gulu baby home after Kenya. It's the only Watoto baby home we havn't visited yet. We're so glad we are going to get this awsome opertunity.
Thanks again to all of you who have been supporting us. Your prayers mean so much. God bless you and keep you!

1 comment:

  1. Can't believe you guys are getting to experience all this cool stuff!!!!

    We're thinking of ya!
